小学 来源:网络 编辑:小新 2018-11-13 15:57:19

  现在的小学阅读理解已经今非昔比,光靠死读书是不能有效地提升阅读能力了,更需要技巧和方法的配合,在段落中直接寻找、信息的出现有先后顺序,跟着顺序找、找到关键词、阅读理解除了要在词汇量、语法知识、背景 知识三个方面多下功夫外,需要学会掌握一些较基本的阅读技能,今天老师为同学们整理了小学六年级英语完形填空,有助于大家语法以及文章整体理解,希望同学们学习后能有所提升和帮助。


  __1__ the new house, Ann is lonely. The school isn’t open. And she doesn’t __2__ any friends. __3__ out .Don’t sit in the house. Her mother says to her But Ann still sits __4__. She hears children playing in the street. She wants to __5__ them. She has a good idea. She __6__ a box of orange and some paper __7__ to the street. Soon, a girl __8__ near. “ Would you __9__ some orange?” says Ann. “Thank you” the girl says. Ann gives the girl some orange. How good the __10__ is ! Before long many children come and have the orange. They are good friends soon。

  1. A. At B. In C. On

  2. A. take B. get C. have

  3. A. Come B. Go C. Work

  4. A. in the school B. at home C. in the old house

  5. A. meet B. hear C. play

  6. A. puts B. takes C. throws

  7. A. bottles B. cups C. planes

  8. A. sits B. stands C. comes

  9. A. have B. like C. drink

  10. A. drink B. food C. oranges



上一篇:小学一年级的语文要怎么学?家长如何辅导孩子? 下一篇:人教版小学六年级课外阅读练习题(含答案),快来答题吧!
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